Saturday, 28 November 2015


Hi everybody! How you know I love photography and today I want show you five photos that I like, and I hope will inspire you. Today the photos will be about couples, but the next aricle will be photos with friends or people alone. I really like take photos, and often see this pictures inspired me. So, come on!  



I love this photo because you can see a lots of things. For example, the strength that do they for keep together. I think that this couple is very sexy and they love a lot.  


I love it, but I don't love the protagonists of the photo, the couple is good, but relly I like the composition of the photo. The light in this side, the beach in the background, the effect in black and withe, and the kiss.  


I like very much this photo because for the position of the couple, I think that this is a original position and it looks very good in the beach. Is very romantic.


I think that this photo is very nice, because you can see how happy are the couple, they really have a big smile in their faces, and I like this, see the happiness that they have.


And finally this photo... I like it because you can't see their faces, but we can see how the girl was looking her boyfriend, and in her gaze I see a lot of love. And the background is very nice too.  

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