Saturday, 28 November 2015


Hi guys! Now I want explain you a little more of me and my life. 
For begining and how you know, I love clothes and fashion. I try transmit how I'm with my clothes, but really I like a lot of styles. Maybe the one that I like more is the "vintage style", because I love it everything that are vintage, I mean, the 90s style. But I don't know what it significates, am I a 90s person? It's true that I like their lifestyle... I don't know, I feel very lost. 
Well, on the other side, I love fashion, but I don't know what I can do with it in my life. I would like found a job related with the fashion but, what? I feel that I'm waste my life doing A level. Well... I'm feel very stressed and tired. 

And why I'm explain it to you? I don't know, maybe because you don't meet me, and I feel that I can express my feelings in this blog.  

If you know about a course, or job, or a degree related with the fashion, you can say me. 

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