Friday, 20 November 2015


Once upon a time...
A sixteen-year-old girl, called LaYessi, had long curly gold extensions. One day she was walking in a neightbourhood and decided to enter in a big mansion. The mansion was empty. She went to the kitchen and found three plates with fried rice: a big plate, a medium plate and a little plate. She began with the big plate, but she was hungrier and she ate the medium too. When she finished the medium she still was hungry, and she ate the little too. When she finished she went to spy around the house. Finally she was sleepy and she went to seach the bedtoom. She onened a lot of doors and finally found a bedroom with a small bed. She chacked the bed and suddenly the bed broke, suprised she wnt out of the room. She opened an another door, and she found a big bed, and finally she couls take a snap. Suddenly she heard a loud sueam. When she opened her eyes she saw a chinese family. She was mudered in the house, the house by the chinese mafia.  

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