Hello! Do you know what happens to your penis when you get old? If you don't, stay here, I will tell you!
1. Have an erection can be challenging. When you get older your blood decrease, so it's difficult to take the blood into the penis.
2. It's going to be smaller. The collagen fibers change.
3. It can become curved. Only affect 10/15 men, since 40 years.
4. If you are uncircumcised you can develop scarring of the foreskin.
5. Prostate. You'll problems to pee. You will had to wake up at night.
So, what's the conclusion?
Get older is a shit, so you had to take advantage of youth and fuck all you can.
Link: http://elitedaily.com/news/5-terrible-things-penis-age/1770484/
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