Saturday, 8 October 2016


Resultado de imagen de dreams
Dear and incredible teacher,
My dream as you know, is to become an actress, but I haven’t got any plan to accomplish it. Well, I haven’t got any plan about anything really, but maybe when I finish this shit (batxillerat), I will go to a dramatic school, where I learn something about my dream.
But the most probable is that I go to an interior or graphic DESIGN school, if I can find some school not very expensive, and for the moment, I can’t find any, all of them are private.

So, for the moment my only goal is to end batxillerat and be happy and without worries for some months. But I’m not very sure about my capacities to overcome batxillerat.

Thank you Montse, for reading it. We will see each other soon. ByeBye! 

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